Stompetoren Grand Cru
The masterpiece from the collection, matured for 18 months and yet still cuttable. For the lovers of old cheese really irresistibly tasty.
Stompetoren Grand Cru
The Stompetoren Grand Cru is also described by experts as ‘the masterpiece in the collection’. These cheeses have matured naturally in the ripening warehouse for about a year and a half. Thanks to the special moist and clean atmosphere in the ripening warehouse, the cheeses are absolutely not dry. Where other cheeses become dry and get a hard crust, the Stompetoren Grand Cru remains cuttable with a thin crust. The Grand Cru is a cheese that the cheese masters are rightly proud of. The cheese is irresistibly good for lovers of old cheese. Also nice with a glass of port.
Recipes with this cheese
Antipasto pasta salad
Italian cuisine is all about the quality of the ingredients. This salad tastes best with Stompetoren Grand Cru.